Lions - Kindergarten
Kindergartners work toward the Lion rank. Boys and girls can earn the rank of Lion by completing five adventures as described below. An adult partner is required for all Lion awards.
- Complete the six required adventures:
Bobcat Lion
Get to know the members of your den.
Have your Lion adult partner or den leader read the Scout Law to you. Demonstrate your understanding of being friendly.
Share with your Lion adult partner, during a den meeting or at home, a time when you have demonstrated the Cub Scout motto “Do Your Best.”
At home, with your parent or legal guardian, do the activities in the booklet “How to Protect Your Children from Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide.”
Mountain Lion
Gather the outdoor items you need to have with you when you go on an outdoor adventure, and understand how they are used. Also understand and commit to practicing the buddy system.
Learn what SAW (Stay, Answer, Whistle) means. Demonstrate what you can do to stay safe if you become separated from the group when you are outdoors.
Demonstrate an understanding of respect for animals and nature when participating in a learning hike.
Fun on the Run
Learn and demonstrate three exercises you can do each day.
Have Lions make a nutritious snack for the den.
Understand the importance of rest.
Participate as a den in Jungle Field Day.
King of the Jungle
Participate in a flag ceremony with your den.
Explain what it means to be a good citizen.
Explain what it means to be a leader.
Lion's Roar
In partnership with the Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center Foundation, Lions will learn about the “Protect Yourself Rules” and other skills needed to stay safe.
With permission from your parent or legal guardian watch the Protect Yourself Rules video for the Lion rank.
With your Lion adult partner, demonstrate Shout, Run, Tell as explained in the Protect Yourself Rules video.
With your Lion adult partner, demonstrate how to access emergency services.
With your Lion adult partner, demonstrate how to access emergency services.
Lion's Pride
Activities to fulfill these requirements are listed below. Choose one activity for each requirement to complete Lion’s Pride.
With your parent or legal guardian talk about your family’s faith traditions. Draw a picture of your favorite family’s faith tradition holiday or celebration.
With your family, attend a religious service OR another gathering that shows how your family expresses Family & Reverence.
Make a cheerful card or a drawing for someone you love and give it to them.
Lion Uniform
The Lion Cub Scout uniform has the following parts:
1. Shirt -The official Lion t-shirt.
2. Belt - Official navy-blue web belt with metal buckle.
4. Cap - Official navy-blue Lion cap.
5. Neckerchief - Optional Lion neckerchief. The Lion den decides if they will wear the neckerchief.
6. Neckerchief slide -Optional Lion neckerchief slide.
Official uniform pants, shorts, or skorts, and Cub Scout socks are optional. Use of these items for Lions is decided by the den leader and families in the den. There is no uniform inspection sheet for Lions.